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About the Author


Your jugaadu engineer, obsessed with earning the maximum amount of points, seeking deals and travelling for free. He's your tech savvy guy who'll be searching the whole internet to provide you opportunities of free travel.

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Strategies to move closer to that dream trip

Secret Feature of Debit Card That You Didn’t Know

How many times are we stuck at the airport waiting to board a flight with all the seats already full and not reluctant to pay for that overpriced airport food and drinks? We've all been there, right? Wouldn't you like free drinks, snacks and a comfortable sofa to relax while everyone is waiting outside the gate?

Amex Membership Rewards Credit Card Review | Is it Worth It?

Amex recently came out with an exciting offer where they’re giving their Amex MR Credit Card free for lifetime, this is rather strange as Amex charges high fee for their card. Amex MR Credit card use to command a fee of Rs 4500 annually but now if you spend 1.5 […]