How many times are we stuck at the airport waiting to board a flight with all the seats already full and reluctance to pay for that overpriced airport food and drinks?

We’ve all been there, right? Wouldn’t you like free drinks, snacks and a comfortable sofa to relax while everyone is waiting outside the gate?

I recently figured out that the we all have this secret ticket to paradise, i.e. Airport lounges in our wallet and none of us know about it.

Mastercard and VISA both offers free Airport lounge access to relax before that flight without having to pay a single dime. Our VISA/MasterCard Debit card have this feature by default.


  • Depending upon the type of VISA/MasterCard variant you’ve, the number of visits per month varies but generally you get 2 visits.
  • 1 guest allowed per card


  • Master Card Lounge List
  • Visa Lounge list

International Usage:

For international use, you should always rely on Priority Pass as offering by VISA and Mastercard internationally is really weak, you can check their respective websites for lounges offered by them in the country you’re travelling.


  • I’ll always suggest to go for MasterCard card variant over VISA as the lounges offered by Mastercard are significantly higher then VISA.
  • Use all your MasterCard/Visa Debit/CreditCard lounge allowance first and use Priority Pass only after exhausting these free visits
    • Priority Pass Visits are very valuable in international scene where you want to access a lounge internationally


Your jugaadu engineer, obsessed with earning the maximum amount of points, seeking deals and travelling for free. He's your tech savvy guy who'll be searching the whole internet to provide you opportunities of free travel.


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